Dirty Python Script to Download a Bunch of Files
It’s widely known that Python is perfect (among other things) for writing a one-off disposable scripts for doing dirty tasks.
Today I found myself in need of downloading a bunch of files (several hundreds) from the internet and saving them locally. I had a two columns table in google docs which I copy-pasted into a txt
file (column delimiter turned into a \t
Instead of doing it manually, I chose to write a short script.
In its entirety (including parsing command line args, logging setup), the script turned out to be 32 lines long and it illustrates the following concepts:
- handling command line args
- setting up and using built-in logging
- line-wise reading of the file
- some string operations (split, trim, replace)
- downloading stuff (using
This is the script:
import logging
import sys
import urllib.request
from time import sleep
[download_list, target_dir] = sys.argv[1:]
logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s:%(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG)
logging.info("download_list: " + download_list)
logging.info("target_dir: " + target_dir)
def convert_doc_name_to_file_name(doc_name: str) -> str:
res = doc_name.strip()
res = res.replace(' ', '_')
return res + ".docx"
def download(link: str, target_path: str):
logging.info(f"downloading {link} to {target_path}")
urllib.request.urlretrieve(link, target_path)
with open(download_list) as f:
lines = list(f)
for line in lines:
[download_link, doc_name] = line.split("\t")
file_name = convert_doc_name_to_file_name(doc_name)
download(download_link, target_dir + '/' + file_name)
sleep(1) # not to overwhelm the server too much